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The Foot

Read this description and then try to find the structures. Note, you can enlarge at any time by hitting the enlarge button (4 arrows), but you lose this text. The red plus gives the the landmars from a superior view and the blue plus from a lateral view.

Rotate the foot until the phalanges, your toe bones, point to your left. All toes but your big toe have 3 phalanges which are named distal phalanges for the distal row, medial phalanges for the medial row, and proximal phalanges for the proximal row. See if you can see the different rows on the picture. Your big toe, however, only has two phalanges which are the distal phalange and proximal phalange. After the proximal row of phalanges are the metatarsals, one of which one is marked in red tape. There are 5. Rotate the model a little to the left and see if you can count the tarsals which are the most proximal bones. You should have counted 7. The distal row has 4 bones while the proximal row has 3. The proximal row is made up of the cuboid bone and the 3 cuneiforms. On this model, the cuboid bone has blue tape while the cuneiforms have orange. From the medial, top, side of the food, the cuneiforms are named medial cuneiforms, intermediate cuneiforms, and lateral cuneiforms. The proximal row is made up of the talus, the calcaneus, and the navicular. The talus is the bone with the pink dot on it. The calcaneus is the large bone underneath the talus and the navicular is the remaining bone. Try to find the bones from all views.