Human Physiology Labs

Blood Lab Makeup Activities   

The blood lab is a really fun in person lab because you are doing clinical things. It is also something that is really important to understand when you go into nursing. Therefore, these activities may be used as a makeup if you missed class because of illness. All 3 activities that the inclass students did are found on this page.

Blood typing-murder mystery

This activity will teach you to do blood typing by hand. Read the blood typing information in the lab book. Fill in the table for the different blood types.. Then go to one of the links below. Watch the video on how to do blood typing and then do the blood typing tests on the page. Record your answers


Hematocrit is the measure of formed elements vs whole blood volume. While there are fancy devices that will do this for you, I have had students say they have had to do hematocrit this way too. Go to thispage. Follow the instructons on calculating hematocrit in the lab book. Record answers in the lab book and calculate the total hemoglobin.


A lot of teachers spend time on blood disorders in physiology and it is helpful to look at what the blood samples look like. Read the section in the lab book on blood disorders. Go to this page. Identify the 6 blood disorders given based on your book.I have added eosinophilia which has an abnormal number of eosinophils. Check your answers (it says incorrect if you are wrong). Record answers on in the lab book.