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Compact bone model

Read this description and then try to find the structures.Note, you can enlarge at any time by hitting the 4 arrows. But you lose this text.

You are looking at a model of compact bone taken from the diaphysis of a long bone. Rotate to the side with the artery (red)and the vein(blue) on the bottom of the model. You are looking at longitudinal sections of osteons with 1 perforating canal (running left to right and several central canals running up and down. Note the lacuna surrounding central canal in their lamina. Click on the green plus to get a close up look at the lacuna and canaliculi (unfortunately unlabeled). Click on the center of the picture to return.

To the left is the spongy bone and endosteum and to the right is the periosteum. Click with your mouse and rotate right. You will notice now red marrow, the endosteum and the trabecula of spongy bone. Click the black plus to see a labeled closeup. You can see the endosteum covering the bone and the lacuna in the trabecula. You can also see labeled cuniculi.

Keep rotating. You can see the perforating canals running several osteons as well as in the idle of the model. Click on one of the blue plus. You can see the osteon structure of the compact bone. You can see concentric lamellae surrounding the central canal and interstitial lamellae from old osteons. You can also see the lacuna and canaliculi. Click out.

Finish rotating. You can see the circumferential lamellae as you rotate around and the periosteum.

  • Make full screen with 4 arrow icon.
  • Click stop (single box).
  • With your mouse, rotate/pan left and right.
  • Try to find listed above.
  • Plus signs bring up labeled image. This was my first attempt at this so it is a little shaky.