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Motor End Plate

Since each muscle fiber must receive a nerve impulse (signal) from an axons telling it to contract, axons typically split at the muscle into smaller structures called axon telodendria which take signals to each individual muscle fiber. The axon telodendria end in structures called axon bulbs or synaptic bulbs. The axon bulbs contain a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. When the nerve impulse reaches the axon bulbs, the axon bulbs releases acetylcholine and the acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle fiber.

Slides on this page were made by students between the spring of 2018 and the fall of 2019. Go through the diffrent student pictures and compare them to your lab book picture. Then slect one to draw on paper. Be sure to lable it as it is labeled in the lab book.

Lab Book Image Student Images
Motor End Plate  Labeled
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Motor End Plate
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Motor End Plate
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Motor End Plate