The Labs

Human Anatonmy Models

  1. Home
  2. Lab Quiz 1
  3. Lab Quiz 2
  4. Lab Quiz 3
  5. Lab Quiz 4
  6. Lab Quiz 5
  7. Lab Quiz 6
  8. Lab Quiz 7
  9. Lab Quiz 8
  10. Lab Quiz 9
  11. Lab Quiz 10
  12. Lab Quiz 11
  13. Lab Quiz 12
  14. Lab Quiz 13

The Labs

This page started out life as a repertoire of models during covid in 2020-2021. It was built so students could look at models from home since we did not have any in person classes. Since then it has changed servers, the 3 blind mice running the covid server retired, but the purpose has remained the same. To give students access to the models when not at home.

The page is arranged how labs were taught during covid with 13 lab quizzes instead of 4 or 5 lab exams. When you click on the sticky note, it will take you to a page with the models. Clicking on the model brings you to a large version of it with numbers pointing to structures. On a computer when you move your mouse over the number, it tells you what the structure is. P.S. Like the 1990s web code this site is based on, it is constantly under construction. Things may have changed in my class that have not been reflected here.

I also want to thank Dr. Carpenter at the Palomar University. He had a similar page and I shamelessly stole the idea, and the code, from his site.