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Lab Quiz 2 Review Activities

This is the index to models for lab exam 2. When you click on the link, you will be given a page with a large picture of a model and the model is numbered. Try to guess what the numbers are. Then move the mouse over to see what the structure is. Please note, this is NOT your study guide. A seperate study guide is provided for you on Canvas. Furthermore, this does not have histology or diagrams.

For this quiz, I have provided both histology slides and models. The reason is unlike the last exam, not only do you have to identify what the slide is, but you have to identify specific structures on the slide. However, this is VERY time consuming. In the future, I will most likely just do the models and refer to pictures for the histology slides on Canvas.

Table of Contents

Lab 4 Skin models

Skin model 1
Skin Model with Burns on Back
Skin model 2
Skin model on Green Base
Epidermis on model

Lab 4 Epidermis Histology

Thick skin
Epidermis of Thick Skin
Thin Skin
Epidermis of Thin Skin
Please see the study guide on Canvas for more histology. I will ask you to identify specific structures of the dermis.

Lab 5 Bone models

Longbone Model
Longbone Model
Cow Bone
Cow Humerus
Single osteon
Osteon Model
compact bone
Compact Bone Model

Lab 5 Supporting Connective Tissue Histology

Compact Bone
Compact bone
Spongy Bone
Spongy bone
Hyaline Cartilage
Hyaline Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
Elastic Cartilage
Fibrocartilage easy
Fibrocartilage easy
Fibrocartilage hard
Fibrocartilage hard but with proper colors
compact bone
Zones of Growth Plate