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The Foot

The 5th lab exam will be on joints and muscle histology. For muscle histology, expect a mixture of models and histology slides.

Find the tendon and ligaments on the foot model below.3 really is there. I thought about labeling which is the big toe side but you should be able to tell which bone is medial and which is lateral beause of the tibia and fibula.

Word Bank

  • Anterior tibiofibular ligament
  • Calcaneal tendon
  • calcaneofibular ligament
  • Deltoid ligament
  • Posterior tibiofibular ligament
The Foot
Ok, serious question. I like putting in these silly question type things to check work because it is interesting to read your answers. Would you prefer that I just have you put the numbers and names on the models in your book? Why or why not? Note, I will most likely keep switching between silly questions and labeling things. Calcaneal tendon Posterior tibiofibular ligament Anterior tibiofibular ligament Calcaneofibular ligament Deltoid ligament Sarcoplasmic Reticulum T Tubule Nucleus Mitochondria Z disc