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Ear Model, Green Base

Lab quiz 9 will be on the special senses and the endocrine organs. The picture below is of the he ear. Try to identify the structures. Because the inner ear bones are not clear (and one is missing) they have been labeled ossicles. See the other ear model for a better picture of these 3 bones.


Word Bank

  • Auricle/Pinna
  • Cochlea
  • Estuation (Auditory) Tube
  • External Auditory (Acoustic) Canal
  • Ossicles
  • Semicircular Canals
  • Tympanic Membrane
  • Vestibulocochlear nerve
Auricle/Pinna External Auditory (Acoustic) Canal Estuation (Auditory) Tube Tympanic Membrane Incus Ossicles Semicircular Canals Stapes Vestibule Cochlea Vestibulocochlear nerve