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Small eye in orbit

This model shows the internal structures of the eye in the orbit. Try to identify the internal structures, indicated by numbers, and the muscles, indicated by letters

Be sure to see the external structures as well on this same model. Also see the eye with tarsal plate and the simple eye model. Lastly, look at the eye with Lacrimal gland.


  • Choroid coat/vascular layer
  • Ciliary body/muscle
  • Cornea
  • Iris
  • Lacrimal Sac
  • Lens
  • Optic Chiasm
  • Optic disc/blind spot
  • Optic Nerve
  • Pupil
  • Sclera
Note 1: the iris has a really weird view.
NOte 2 I'm calling it the choroid coat since it looks like the middle (vascluar) tunic in this view. In some models, this internal layer is the retina. Ask your teacher!


  • Inferior Oblique
  • Inferior Rectus
  • Lateral Rectus
  • Medial Rectus
  • Superior Oblique
Small eye in orbit
Sclera Cornea Pupil Iris Optic Nerve Optic Chiasm (optic nerve) Lacrimal Sac Optic disc/blind spot Choroid coat/vascular layer Ciliary body/muscle Lens Digastric (hard to see) Omohyoid Superior Rectus Superior Oblique Medial Rectus Inferior Oblique Lateral Rectus Inferior Rectus