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Endocrine organs in the head

Lab quiz 9 will be on the special senses and the endocrine organs. Below is a model of the brain with the hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis enlarged. Identify the glands (A-D) and the strcutreus (1-6). When done try the organs of the body on the large model and the simple model.

Word Bank

  • Anterior pituitary - pars distalis
  • Basophils
  • Chromophobes
  • Endocrine nuclei in hypothalamus
  • Acidophils
  • Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal vein
  • Hypothalamus
  • Infundibulum or hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract
  • Pineal gland
  • Pituitary gland
  • Posterior pituitary - pars nervosa
Endocrine structures of the brain
Endocrine nuclei in hypothalamus Infundibulum or hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract Hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal vein Basophils Acidophils Chromophobes Hypothalamus Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary - pars distalis Posterior pituitary - pars nervosa Pineal gland Pituitary gland Integration nuclei/Integration neuron Cell Body Posterior Root Ganglion Anterior Root Autonomic Motor Nuclei/Autonomic Cell Body Somatic Motor Nuclei/Somatic Motor Cell Body Ramus communicans Sympathetic Ganglia Pia Mater