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Nasal Epithelial

Lab quiz 9 will be on the special senses and the endocrine organs. Try to identify the structures. When done, be sure to see the cochlea, retina, and tongue models.

Word Bank

  • Nasopalatine Nerve
  • Olfactory bulb
  • Olfactory epithelium/olfactory nerves
  • Olfactory tract
  • Orifice of Eustachian/prhangeal/auditory tube

Which was the hardest sense we did today? Why?

Orifice of Eustachian / prhangeal / auditory tube Olfactory tract Olfactory bulb Olfactory Epithelium/olfactory nerves nasopalatine nerve Basal/Supporting Cell Taste Pore Hair cells Taste Hairs Adrenal Cortex Pineal gland Pituitary gland Integration nuclei/Integration neuron Cell Body Posterior Root Ganglion Anterior Root Autonomic Motor Nuclei/Autonomic Cell Body Somatic Motor Nuclei/Somatic Motor Cell Body Ramus communicans Sympathetic Ganglia Pia Mater