Epithelial Tissue

Epithelial tissue lines tubes and the skin. As a result, it will always ave a free surface at its apex and the cells will touch each other. All but 1 epithelial tissue has a first name and a last name. The first name is based on its number of layers and the last name the shape of the cells.

If there is only 1 layer of cells it said to be simple. If there is more than 1 layer, it is said to be stratified. Then there is pseudo-stratified which will be explained on that page. THe last name is the shape. The cells come in 3 shapes: flat and round, called squamous, square, called cuboidal, or rectangular, called columnar. Thus, when you name epithelial tissue, you use both the number of layers and its shape. Hence, 1 flat layer is simple squamous whereas many layers of flat cells is stratified squamosal. Then there is transitional or urinary epithelial. This tissue is like a famous, or more infamous, actor going by only 1 name.

On the left hand side below are several Post-It-Notes with the names the simple and all the stratified epithelial tissues are on the right. Yes, Pseudo-stratified is simple. Click on the Post-It-Note to see images taken by my students between the srping of 2018 and the spring of 2020 and compare them with the old lab book photo. On the bottom of the page is a video on how to draw the tissues. When we had online anatonmy classes during covid, the students had to draw the tissues on this page.

Simple: Simple Squamous | Simple Cuboidal | Simple Columnar | Pseudo-stratified columnar
Stratified: Stratified Squamous | Stratified Cuboidal | Transitional