Histology Homepage\ Site Homepage

Cell type histology

This page is the histology we will look at for lab 2. On this page are several Post-It-Notes with a title and slide box number on it. The first 7 are student taken slides. The links takes you to a page where you will find the a photo from an older version of the lab book and the 8 student histology slides that may or may not be labeled. These photos all came from the spring and fall 23 anatomy classes. The last 4 notes are my photos that I took in 2023 when I was rewriting the lab book. These are extra photos I had that I tought I would share. Again, the labeled photo on those pages is from an old version of the lab book.

To select a slide to look at, click the sticky note or the link at the bottom of the page.

Cheek Cell | Epithelial Cells | Fibroblasts | Muscle Fibers | Neurons | Cilia | Flagella | Microvilli | Instrctor Epithelial | Instrctor Connective | Instrctor Muscle | Instructor Neurons